Core learning has taught me to be just as kind to myself as I am others and to be mindful that it is okay to have imperfect projects during the learning process. This realisation stems from observing my self critical voice (using mindfulness) and realising that I judge my work using a double standard that is unfairly harsh.
I have also learnt about my identity and values (for the first time) and how they can help me get what I want out of a career in tech (and in life). This realisation has lead me to try flourish my values in the work I do and has lead to pleasant experiences during my learning journey so far.
Finally, I have learnt that reflection is just as important to the learning process as practice. I now make a conscious effort to think through new experiences using my learning journal by recording deep reflections and my understanding of new programming concepts.
Humans are complex and we deal with a large number of variables that influence our experiences. Dealing with these variables is made even more challenging when we interact with others who may be struggling with negative variables in their own life. Values, empathy and self-awareness are soft skills that help us navigate through difficult emotions, align our wants and needs, and help us create an understanding of other people’s struggles so that we can enrich our interactions and get the most out of shared experiences.
Having these tools is important when it comes to learning and programming because we will face many difficult challenges and negative emotions as we learn together. Being mindful of the variables we are dealing with on a particular day can help us disassociate external pressures from our learning so that we can get the most out of our experiences, and on the other hand, ease internal pressures during the learning process by being kinder to ourselves.
I am surprised how much I enjoy core learning! I think being forced to learn about myself has been an awesome experience and one that I would not have explored on my own. I consider myself technically proficient (at the basics) so core learning has been a refreshingly new experience that I have enjoyed the most during my time at foundations.
Soft skills translate well to almost every job there is and having proficiency over them will lead to more fulfilling experiences. I think focusing on soft skills is a win win for both yourself and your future colleagues because you tend to have a better understanding of what you want (leading to honest engagements/interactions) and your colleagues get someone pleasant to work with that is empathetic and reliable.
Core learning has not been a waste of time because it has provided me a completely new experience that has been refreshing. I have a decent grasp on the basics of HTML/CSS/JS and would have been a little bored if we had only done the technical side during foundations.