Learning Plan (Bootcamp)

What is your long term goal and/or career pathway?

My long term career goal is to become a “Creative Developer.” Creative developers create visually rich and interactive experiences using cutting edge technologies. They push the idea of what an app or website can be and do incredibly creative work. I would love to be a part of that.

What do you think your biggest strengths and limitations will be in Bootcamp?

My biggest strengths will be my creativity and curiosity, as well as my excitement to collaborate with others.

My biggest limitation will be my hestitation to participate in group conversations because I value my ideas less than what other people have to say. Having the confidence to speak up and productively contribute during these collaborations is a soft skill I hope to improve the most during my time at Dev Academy.

What do you think your biggest non-technical challenge at Bootcamp will be?

My biggest non-technical challenge will be working in teams. I am excited to work with others but I do not have the tools to do so (at least for now).

What non-technical skills - human skills - would you like to see developed in yourself while at Dev Academy?

Working collaboratively with others is a core skill that I am excited to learn more about. I am also keen to see further development in understanding my identity and values as it has been an exciting journey so far.

What are your expectations from the Bootcamp team?

I expect the bootcamp team to guide me through difficult problems and to help me understand how all the various technologies come together to create a full stack application. I am hoping that they can teach me how to make good judgements about tech selection, pros and cons of using certain tech and some higher level understanding about web app architecture/project structure.

What are your expectations of yourself on Bootcamp?

I expect to have a strong understanding of full stack development when I am finished with bootcamp and hope to have some portfolio projects that I can show to future employers. I also want to explore technology that is popular with creative developers and to learn the basics to begin my own journey.

Learning Plan (Foundations)

What is your long term goal or career pathway?

My long term career aspiration is to become a “Creative Developer.” These types of developers “create visual and interactive digital experiences using web-related technologies to develop highly engaging and/or storytelling web interfaces or applications.”

What are your strengths and limitations when it comes to learning.

When it comes to learning, my strongest attributes are creativity and curiosity. I tend to use both these attributes together to learn new concepts from various perspectives and link ideas back to what I already know. I like to think of new concepts/ideas as tools that I can add to my toolbox once I’ve understood it. During the creative process, I use my new tools with the old to see what works well together and what doesn’t. My strongest learning experiences have come from this type of exploration.

My limiting attributes are perfectionism and the inability to do “just an okay job.” I get caught up trying to create a perfect piece of work when testing “new tools” and this has lead to diminishing returns in terms of learning (in the past). I think learning to let go during explorative exercises will help me learn more in less time.

What skills (non-technical core/human skills) would you like to see developed in yourself while at Dev Academy?

I would like to strengthen my skills in conflict management and working as a team. The thing I struggle with the most is contributing ideas to my team as I feel my ideas aren’t very good or worth sharing. I think I tend not to share because I am afraid of conflict and therefore try not to invite it into my experiences. In summary, I would love to find my voice while at Dev Academy.

Workload Commitment

I am fully committed to the programme at Dev Academy and will endeavour to put in all the work that is required of me (and then some), while helping and learning from my peers as much as possible!

Commitment to Seek Help

I am commited to seeking out help from my peers and the Dev Academy staff via Discord and in person should the need arise. I will endeavour to try solve issues within 30 minutes (using Google and the Pomodoro technique to keep time), after which I will put my hand up.

A description of what you expect from the facilitation team.

I expect the facilitation team to help me with issues I may have with my code and maybe even guide me towards better approaches for solving the problem at hand. I would also love guidance on how I can work on my learning limitations and how I can practice my core/human skills in a constructive environment.

Scheduling Information

I am free for the whole programme and do not have any time commitments to adhere to.
